Collared Sparrowhawk

Collared Sparrowhawk with the long toe visible

Collared Sparrowhawk with the long toe visible

We've often struggled to pick the difference between a Collared Sparrowhawk and a Brown Goshawk. It's surprisingly difficult to estimate size when it's one bird on its own (Sparrowhawk is 30-40cm and Goshawk is 40-50cm).

But Connecting Country put on a presentation recently and Geoff Park shared a most useful tip. The Collared Sparrowhawk has a very long middle toe. And it does! When we zoomed in on this photo we could clearly see its long toe. No idea why it would have this feature.

We’ve also learnt that Sparrowhawks “stare” and Goshawks “glare”. It’s to do with the smaller brow-ridge of the Sparrowhawk giving it a more quizzical expression.

Taking off, still with the long toe visible

Taking off, still with the long toe visible

First published 24 September 2020. Updated 2021.


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