Searching for a hero ant

We look after the largest known population of a special butterfly called the Arid Bronze Azure butterfly (Ogyris subterrestris subterrestris). This butterfly is entirely dependent on a Sugar Ant (Camponotus terebrans) to raise the butterfly caterpillars underground in the ant nest. The ant is the hero of this relationship. Without large colonies of the ant there would be no butterflies.

There only one secure population of this butterfly in Victoria and a couple of smaller populations in South Australia. It would be fantastic if we found some more! The Mallee is a big place so I’m ever hopeful. So, I’ve prepared this identification sheet to help you find the hero ant for the Arid Bronze Azure butterfly. You can download an A3 version here.

I am eternally grateful to Daniel Kurek from the Entomological Society of Victoria for sharing his knowledge of ants and photography skills.

In 2022, we received funding to explore “What makes the Arid Bronze Azure butterfly so rare?” This project was funded by the Victorian Government through a Landcare grant from the Mallee CMA.


Habitat for the Arid Bronze Azure butterfly


Spotting the rarest butterfly